Agile change management 

In times of decreasing predictability and increasing complexity (VUCA), let's say goodbye to the idea of planning, managing and implementing long-term and rigid change projects. In times of change, those leaders who are aware of their responsible role in change as well as their competences and also learning fields are successful. 

Ambidextrous Leadership – two-handed leadership

Ambidextrous leadership allows leaders to steer quickly and flexibly without sacrificing stability and commitment. The left hand is based on the fact that leadership enables agile cooperation and fast communication. And the right hand must be used accordingly to further optimise the company's classic field of activity. In the process, special challenges and tasks arise for leaders - the balance between exploit and explore mode is demanding and at the same time offers enormous creative space.

Management becomes the social architect for change issues: Enable and encourage employees to break new ground, to dare to experiment and to learn constantly! Create trust and manage resistance in a solution-oriented way! If you succeed in this, you will successfully shape the working world of the future.

Our work starts right there! We enable organisations to manage change in the world of work sustainably and successfully by accompanying top management and leaders in the change process.

We call this DEEP CHANGE.

Our offer: analysis, development of vision, mission and goals, planning of change architecture, implementation and evaluation

Professional control

Change processes in organisations ALWAYS develop a momentum of their own. Qualified change management provides your organisation with more clarity and an overview of the entire change process.

Our approach: iterative, integrative, incremental and aligned with your goals

Thinking outside the box

You increase quality and effectiveness by enabling a change of perspective and reflection in your decision-making processes.

The most important thing: the agile communication concept for every phase and every process step

Consistent goal orientation

No matter which method is used, an understanding must be created in the organisation. We align our actions 100% with your goals.

Our methods: Future Workshop, Vision Workshop, Appreciative Inquiry, Business Model Canvas, Design Thinking, Objectives & Key Results, agile principles and values and many more.

Empowering & Enabling 

We bring methodological security and additional competences to your change project. We pass on our knowledge and experience to you. Our support is always aimed at empowering you and your organisation to shape change from within in the future.

Our main topics: Organisational development, personnel development, leadership, change management

Leadership competences

On the one hand, we focus on managing resistance, culture and values work and organisational dynamics. On the other hand, our focus is on developing "new leadership": more networking, self- and personal responsibility, innovation and feedback loops, iterative project cycles.

Drive the change before it drives you!

Managing change processes is like surfing a wave: changes come quickly, sometimes unexpectedly and incessantly - like waves! Dynamics, force and effects are often difficult to assess or are only assessable in the very short term. In a flash, you have to make decisions, show perseverance and muster courage for further activities. The procedure: agile, iterative, integrative and incremental. You act in a goal-oriented way and still drive by line of sight.

The same applies to change management and surfing: Careful preparation, perfect analysis of the situation and conditions, making quick and courageous decisions, actively implementing, reflecting and moving on. The next change is bound to come!

Courage Competence Endurance Speed Growth Mindset iterative incremental integrative Successes Vision-Mission-Goals Stakeholder Analysis Change Impact Analysis Change Architecture Implementation Review and Feedback Trust

Changes succeed best when they are co-designed and thus supported by the people who are involved and affected.

Alternative Darstellung:

  • Wir ermutigen und befähigen Sie und Ihre Teams, zukünftig Veränderungen von innen heraus selbst zu gestalten.
  • Wir beraten, begleiten, unterstützen bei der Analyse, Planung, Umsetzung und Evaluation.
  • Wir sind Ihr SparringspartnerIn, Coach, Change-AgentIn und auch größte Kritiker:in.
  • Wir handeln agil, iterativ und inkrementell und haben jederzeit die Menschen im Blick.


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"Seit 2020 arbeiten wir mit Petra Carlsen von der Hamburger Unternehmensberatung changemanufaktur GmbH zusammen. Frau Carlsen begleitet uns im von uns längerfristig angelegten Projekt „Zukunft und Wandel gestalten“. Unser gemeinsames Ziel ist es, die Kölner Pensionskasse und die Pensionskasse der Caritas zukunftsfit aufzustellen, um für unsere Kunden, Mitarbeitenden und Lieferanten weiterhin ein attraktiver und zuverlässiger Geschäftspartner und Arbeitgeber zu sein. Frau Carlsen ist als Coach für den Vorstand und die Personalleitung tätig sowie als Workshop-Moderatorin für Teams und AbteilungsleiterInnen. Ferner begleitet sie uns als Change Companion bei der strategischen Neuausrichtung der beiden Pensionskassen. Wir schätzen an Frau Carlsen ihren umfangreichen Erfahrungsschatz als Change Managerin sowie ihr sehr breit angelegtes Know-how in den Bereichen Personal-, Organisationsentwicklung und Leadership. Liebe Frau Carlsen, vielen Dank für die sehr gute Zusammenarbeit, Ihr großes Engagement und auch für Ihre Hartnäckigkeit. Wir freuen uns sehr, auch in Zukunft mit Ihnen vertrauensvoll zusammen zu arbeiten."

Olaf Keese
Vorsitzender des Vorstands der Pensionskasse der Caritas VVaG
Liquidator der Kölner Pensionskasse VVaG i. L.

"Petra Carlsen ist eine professionelle Trainerin, einfühlsamer Coach und kompetente Change-Beraterin mit einem immensen Erfahrungsschatz und Branchenwissen. Ihre Trainings und Workshops zu den Themen Kommunikation im Konflikt und Führung gestaltet sie sehr abwechslungsreich und aktivierend. Sie beeindruckt mich immer wieder durch ihre Methodenvielfalt, Spontanität und große Sensibilität für Gruppendynamiken. Als Coach und Change-Begleiterin steht sie ihren Kunden bei der Zielerreichung mit viel Herz und Sachverstand motivierend zur Seite. Man merkt einfach: Frau Carlsen weiß genau, was Sie tut, wovon sie spricht - und warum."

Ingrid Albrecht
Director Human Resources
Aerius Marine GmbH Hamburg

That is our promise:

We empower you to shape change from within yourself.

We advise, accompany and support in the analysis, planning, implementation and evaluation.

We are sparring partners, coaches, change companions and also the biggest critics.

We act in an agile, iterative and incremental way and always keep people in mind.

Which change project can we support you with?

Führungskräfte Coaching Frauen Hamburg

Thomas & Petra Carlsen

+49 40 555 836 49